ACTT Climate Chat

Join ACTT for a virtual, 45-minute lunchtime program. We explore topics relevant to locally implementable climate solutions and leave ample room for questions and discussion.

An overview of the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate-related funding opportunities. Learn more about included rebates, tax incentives, and other support for individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and municipalities. We will dive into when different funding is available, how to access the support, and more. Watch a recording.

Past Climate Chats

Discover the best pathways to transition your home, business, or organization to solar energy. ACTT Manager of Renewable Energy Plans and Policy, Beth Woolfolk explores the solar process, financing, net energy billing, the difference between solar ownership and subscription, and more. Watch a recording.

A break down of your electricity bill, examining the impact of natural gas, distribution charges, stranded charges, and of course, solar. We also discussed the Governor's Energy Office Distributed Energy Stakeholder report and the PUC’s Distributed Solar Valuation study to illuminate the way distributed energy projects, like solar, lower energy costs for ratepayers across the state and not just those who own or subscribe.